As part of our faith projects, we had our first virtual event, “A Father’s Prayer” – a prayer meeting for boys and their family groups, led by fathers.
June 2023
Boys 2 Real Men Talk. Interesting conversations about body changes, puberty, when and how to have the sex talk, and hygiene.
July 2023
The second edition of “A Father’s Prayer”. Received funding in July from the National Lottery community Fund for wellbeing sessions for boys (7-18 years) of African descent, both virtual and face-to-face.
October 2023
Our first face-to-face boys’ hangout. A safe space for boys to express themselves and improve their wellbeing. Topic for the month was Anger Management. Discussing anger, its pros and cons, and best ways to control it.
September 2023
The start of the wellbeing sessions, talking about “what does wellbeing mean to you?”
November 2023
Our first Princes’ Ball – a father / carer / single parent and son hangout with lots of games. Great prizes, food and meaningful conversations. It was also In His Image CIC’s first year anniversary.
December 2023
The third edition of “A Father’s Prayer”. Zoom sessions on Peer Pressure and Community Cohesion, and encouraging boys to give back to their communities. Some of our service users volunteered in a local charity helping to distribute toys to children.