Our Projects
Mentoring sessions

A mentoring service for African boys between the ages of 5-18, some faith – based (Christian) where appropriate. Mentoring service will be based on issues affecting boys and young male adults in the society.
We will raise awareness on issues that affects them: Awareness on Sex education, abuse, childhood trauma, Emotional intelligence, Gang crime, peer pressure, suicide, addiction, leadership and so on.
Boys to real men talk

The idea of a ‘real man’ in the African context is mostly one who is chauvinistic. These sessions aim to redefine boys roles in the home and community to change the idea that if they are providers any disruptive behavioural issue(s) can be overlooked. It will also promote the idea that ‘real men’ can be domesticated, loving, caring, sympathetic, and express love/emotions in the communities they find themselves. Specialists will come on a talk show regularly to address issues that affect African boys in a wholistic context and encourage them to be more involved in community projects in their spare time instead of becoming a nuisance in the society.
Parents/Family group support

Specialist support will also be available for parents to tackle unhealthy parenting styles.
Tales of success session

Boys will be able to interact with community leaders/pace setters who can function as mentors to guide them in the right path and learn from their mistakes, it will improve community cohesion and reduce crime in all its form.
Community cohesion

We aim to educate community leaders, education providers, the police and anyone who interacts with these boys on an influential level on how they can better interact with them, as sometimes communication breakdown between these groups is because of lack of understanding of communication styles and culturally appropriate approaches.
If boys are raised properly and get the adequate support that is needed, this leads to peaceful, loving, and safe communities for everyone.
Drop-in sessions/ information centre

One stop shop information centre about services available to them across Greater Manchester and beyond. After school clubs to help with schoolwork and career aspirations.
Faith projects

Christmas and Easter Outreaches that will encourage these boys to give back to the community by spending time doing charitable work. There will also be prayer and faith-based counselling sessions and one–to–one pastoral care where appropriate.